
hey there.

I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Edit the Picture, Not the Person

Edit the Picture, Not the Person

It’s one thing to enhance, it’s another thing to alter.

Let’s cut the catfish bullcrap!

In today's digital age, Instagram has become the go-to platform for sharing life's moments with the world. It's a place where creativity knows no bounds, and your photos should reflect your unique style and perspective. While filters and editing tools are at your fingertips, it's essential to remember that photo editing should enhance, not distort reality. In this post, we'll delve into some basic photo editing tips for Instagram, with a focus on preserving the integrity of your subjects and your authenticity.

1. Start with a Great Shot

The foundation of any excellent Instagram photo is a well-composed, well-lit image. Pay attention to framing, lighting, and angles when capturing your shot. The better your initial photo, the less editing it will require.

2. Use Editing Tools Sparingly

Instagram provides various editing tools like brightness, contrast, saturation, and more. These tools can be incredibly useful when used judiciously. Adjust these settings to enhance your photo's natural beauty rather than drastically altering it.

3. Embrace Natural Filters

Instagram's filters can add a unique touch to your photos. However, avoid using filters that make your images look unrealistic or overly processed. Stick to filters that enhance colors and tones without distorting them.

4. Preserve Skin Texture

When editing portraits, it's essential to maintain the natural texture of the skin. Avoid using skin-smoothing or blurring tools excessively, as this can give the subject an unnatural, plastic appearance. Embrace the authenticity of imperfections.

5. Mind the Background

Sometimes, unwanted distractions in the background can detract from your subject. Use Instagram's cropping and straightening tools to improve the composition and eliminate any clutter that might take away from the main focus.

6. Stay True to Your Style

Your Instagram feed is an extension of yourself. Develop a consistent editing style that aligns with your personality and the message you want to convey. Consistency will make your feed more visually appealing.

7. Highlight Details

If there are specific details or elements in your photo that you want to emphasize, use selective editing tools to make them pop. This allows you to draw attention to what matters most without altering the entire image.

8. Be Mindful of Distortion

Avoid using tools that can distort facial features or body proportions. Overusing these features can create unrealistic expectations and negatively impact your self-esteem and body image. Embrace your natural beauty.

9. Learn from Others

Instagram is a great platform for learning from other photographers and editors. Explore profiles of creators you admire and pay attention to their editing techniques. You can pick up valuable tips and tricks along the way.

10. Edit with Integrity

Remember that authenticity is key on Instagram. Instead of striving for perfection, aim to create real and relatable content. Your followers will appreciate your honesty and genuine approach.

In conclusion, Instagram photo editing should be a tool to enhance your images, not a means to distort reality. Embrace your unique style, stay true to yourself, and use editing features responsibly. By following these tips, you can create stunning photos that reflect your authentic self and captivate your followers. Happy editing!

This is a generically authored aroundLAwithTK post, written by an assistant… because if I were to have written the thoughts in my head, honeyyyyyyyy, some folks would be mad at me. I’d’ve really been on my soapbox, as I HATE FILTERS!!! The little hue-changing filters that you swipe over to in the Instagram app after taking a picture or video is one thing (Paris, Los Angeles, Tokyo, etc.), but those face-altering filters placed into the process is a completely different story… They change your whole face. [sings to rhythm of Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes song] Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, maaaan I’m tired of these hoes.

I see enough fake foolishness walking aroundLA every day, I don’t want to open up my phone and see fake faces. Here and there? Okay, that’s one thing, but every single time you share a glimpse of yourself on the Internet it’s quite the distance from your offline self??? Chiiiiiiild, I may have to get up on my soapbox ‘bout this one day after all, but for right now, I’ll leave it at the photo editing tips.

aroundLAwithTK is a Los Angeles-based lifestyle blog where I share my personal experiences navigating the world as a normal girl. Thank you for being here, riders.

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