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I’m T.K., a girl rolling aroundLA by bicycle, navigating the City of Angels… come along for the ride.

Are Casting Company Meet-and-Greets a Scam?

Are Casting Company Meet-and-Greets a Scam?

To Attend or Not to Attend: Casting Company Meet-and-Greets for Bloggers and Creatives

In the world of blogging and creative pursuits, opportunities often come when you least expect them. It's not uncommon for bloggers, aspiring models, and other creatives to explore various avenues to get their foot in the door. One such avenue is attending casting company meet-and-greets that offer headshots and digitals. I attended one of these events, hosted by Ape Castings, about a year ago, and I'd like to share my experience and insights with you.

The Pitch: Before delving into the details of my experience, it's important to understand the allure of casting company meet-and-greets. The pitch often goes something like this: Attendees get the chance to meet the owner, manager, or casting director of the agency in person. This face-to-face interaction can help these industry professionals remember you and your potential for future bookings. Additionally, the photos taken during the meet-and-greet session can be used for submissions outside of the company's bookings. They can be invaluable for your social media, website, and applications for other modeling and acting opportunities.

The Reality: The big question is whether investing in these meet-and-greets is worth the cost. In my case, attending the Ape Castings meet-and-greet cost me $125, and the outcome was mixed. A year later, they've never booked me for a single gig. So, was the money wasted, or did I gain something valuable?

The Pros: It's important to highlight the potential benefits of attending such events. Meeting the people behind the casting company can establish a personal connection that might pay off in the long run. The headshots and digitals you receive can be used to enhance your portfolio and increase your chances of securing other opportunities.

The Cons: On the flip side, it's essential to recognize the risks involved. If your sole reason for attending is to book gigs with that particular company, you might feel disheartened if that expectation isn't met. Casting companies are highly selective, and even a great meet-and-greet session doesn't guarantee a job offer.

The Verdict: So, is attending a casting company meet-and-greet worth it? The answer isn't straightforward. It depends on your expectations and objectives. If you go in with an open mind and consider the event as an investment in your personal and professional growth, it can be a valuable experience. However, if you expect immediate bookings and nothing else, you might end up disappointed.

My Experience: As a lifestyle blogger who shares my journey through Los Angeles on aroundLAwithTK, my goal is to help others navigate the city's complex world of opportunities. In my case, while Ape Castings didn't lead to any immediate gigs (it has been over a year since I attended one of their meet-and-greets), it did provide me with professional headshots and digitals. These assets have proven useful in my personal branding and networking efforts.

Here’s an album I’ve added to my blog that showcases the images I received from the quick photoshoot I had at the Ape Castings meet-and-greet, so you can see the results for yourself.

(I’m not crazy about them.. I’m actually more on the side of heavily disliking them all, but how much can you expect from jumping in front of a camera for 30 seconds with no direction, no hair, no makeup, no touch ups? Not much. It wasn’t a real photoshoot, by far. And thinking it would be is where you’d mess up. …Like me, thinking I was getting a deal on a photoshoot, when it for sure wasn’t that.)

In Conclusion: For bloggers and creatives, attending casting company meet-and-greets can be a valuable experience, but it's essential to manage your expectations. The $125 I spent may not have landed me a gig, but it did provide me with professional images to enhance my portfolio and boost my online presence.

In the ever-evolving world of blogging and creativity, remember that every experience, even if it doesn't seem fruitful at first, can contribute to your journey and personal growth. So, consider such events as opportunities to invest in yourself, and the results may surprise you down the road.

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